Winner, Exit 6 Audience Choice Award 2022
Winner, British Comedy Guide Pro Production Awards 2022
Shortlisted, Performance Film & Media Short Film Competition 2022
by filmmaker Katherine Press
This mad film was inspired by a true life experience I had whilst working as a dancer on an Amy Adams' movie some years back. Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day was shooting a fashion show scene at the Savoy Hotel, and I was covered head to toe in body paint as a "living" Grecian statue, posing on the end of the runway. To my surprise, Amy approached me between takes to say that she apologised for staring (I hadn't noticed!) but that I was the spitting image of her sister. Somehow this had struck her despite my unusual get-up. She asked about ballet school (she trained in dance herself), we had a brief chat, she asked for a photo to show to her family back home, and we both went our separate ways.
Flash forward several years later, and I'd gone from dance student to actor, and then filmmaker. Off the back of producing two very intense films about mental health (not to mention living through a global pandemic) I was keen to make something a little lighter. In a random moment (probably on a walk, which is usually when creativity strikes), I recalled this incident, and brainstormed a "what if?" scenario. I rushed home, grabbed the laptop, and an hour or two later I had a script. I somehow managed to convince other people to help me shoot it, and about three months after that, we had a finished film.
I really hope you enjoy HELP! I'VE STOLEN AMY ADAMS' NOSE!, and that maybe Amy gets to see it some day too. If she does, perhaps it'll inspire a sequel. I guess there's a message in there about "staying true to yourself", and maybe something about celebrity culture, but, like the event which inspired it, it's mainly just very random, and very silly.